A woman willfully misinterprets a deal with an eldritch being.
Stories written by Devi Lacroix.
Stories written by Devi Lacroix.
Kate becomes a googirl made of the lewdest substance imaginable.
The spirit is strong, but the flesh is stronger.
Sarah uses a magic typewriter to rewrite reality. Sexy alien fun times ensue.
A logging company employee receives a job offer from a competing organism.
A scientist gains the confidence to change her past for the better… and the worse.
A dead god and a dying prisoner must reach an accord.
Tess reads a self-help book that unlocks her breasts’ full potential.
A paladin and witch hunter bring a fallen witch to justice, only to stumble themselves. A sequel to Potion Problems.
Bound by the past and bound in the present, a demon struggles against his archnemesis. A sequel to Mutual Satisfaction.
A lost explorer discovers the world’s future, much to the consternation of its guardians.
Magic can do anything, especially when you make a mistake.