Dragon Tales

Sabrith and Tay tackle the pressing environmental concern of declining dragon populations.
Remember, kids: preserving a near-extinct species is an intrinsic good!

The transformation process is quite pleasurable, too.

tags: commission, dragon, girl penis, nsfw, sab & tay, transformation


CAUTION AND STEALTH dictated Sabrith move up the curving flight of stairs deliberately, but it was anger and determination that won out. In some places, the stones were slick with centuries of moss; in others, the wall of the fortress turret had given completely away, exposing the warrior to driving rain and a perilous fall. But she pressed on undaunted, the steps flying by two at a time.

Then she heard Tayelle’s voice, far above, and her thundering heart skipped a beat.

The rational part of Sabrith’s mind knew her wife must be alive. The dragon had stormed the city expressly to steal away Tayelle; whatever diabolic plan was afoot, it involved the mage’s mind and skills, two things that required she be left mostly intact. And Tay could handle anything, Sab had reminded herself, again and again, as she had ridden through three days and nights to storm this forsaken dragon keep.

But now a flash of panic washed over the warrior. She slowed, suddenly concerned that an abrupt entrance could endanger Tay. From off her back she drew Stormfury and, trusted double axe in hand, advanced carefully up the last flight of stairs.

She emerged onto a dark platform, the ruins of what had once been the top of this tower. The floor had collapsed inward, and Sab found herself looking down into a spacious den, the tower’s upper levels now repurposed as a dragon’s roost. Some sort of spell kept the howling winds at bay, and the warmth and soft candlelight gave the cavernous room a surprisingly cozy feel.

But Sab noticed these details dimly, only insofar as they informed her future plan of attack. Her attention was focused on Tay—dirty but as beautiful as ever, sitting at a large table piled high with books and scrolls. She was talking, emphatically and angrily, to something in the shadows. Then Sab realized that she was talking to the shadows, that just beyond the dim candlelight lurked a monster, its black scales interrupted only by two smoldering eyes. The behemoth was massive, so large that it had to curl around the exterior of the room. Its long tail actually ran the entire curve of the wall, the tip looping back around to rest underneath its head. It was growling back at Tay, teeth lit by a smoldering fire deep in its throat.

Monsters like this had once dominated the world. But over time, they were pushed back to the edges of the map, and then even further. Until three days ago, Sab had only ever seen dragons in dusty manuscripts, chronicles of almost-forgotten battles. Those tales had inspired her, but they had been just stories.

Until one came out of the blue sky and snatched Tay away.

Sab steadied herself. One breath. Two. Three.

And then she jumped, Stormfury held high, into the den below.

She resisted the urge to shout out, preserving the element of surprise for as long as possible. At the last moment, the dragon saw something falling toward it and, startled, raised an arm to shield itself. The blade sliced right through the dragon’s scales, the momentum of her fall carrying Stormfury cleanly out and down. The dragon bellowed in pain and lurched backward, away from the attack.

Sab landed in a kneeling position, a geyser of dragon blood splashing over her face and armor. Anger and exaltation loosened her tongue, and she found herself screaming back at the beast, a battle cry that reverberated off the cold stone.

The beast writhed and twisted, trying to right itself. On another day, it could have taken a hundred warriors as skilled and armored as Sab—but at this moment, in the warmth of its secure lair, it had been surprised and forced into a mortal battle against an implacable foe. It cried out in loss and pain, but Sab stalked forward, Stormfury effortlessly swatting away the dragon’s remaining good arm. She raised the weapon for the killing blow, and—

“STOP!” someone shouted, and suddenly Tay was between the two. “Put that down right this instant!

Sab faltered, lowering her weapon like she was commanded. “Tay? Are you—”

Her wife glared back. “We’ll talk about this later. And you—” she whirled around on the dragon, who flinched away as surely as if it had been struck by Sab’s blade. “—I told you this was going to happen! You foolish, stupid dra…” Her voice softened. “Oh, you’re hurt. Oh, you’re really hurt. Sab, get my bag, right there by the table. I think I can make a healing potion. Hurry!”

Sab turned around, looking, confused. Her ears still thundered with rushing blood, her hands still clutched Stormfury. Tay was okay. Tay was angry at her? They were healing the dragon?

Before the warrior could move, the dragon pulled itself up, rumbling something at them. Then it began to glow, shimmering with a faint gold aura that matched its eyes. The blood that had spilled on the floor started to vibrate, then float, congealing into a hovering orb that flowed back into the dragon’s wounds. The blood covering Sab followed, returning to the dragon and leaving skin and tabard unstained. The cleft began to mend, and Tay breathed a sigh of relief.

Sab slipped Stormfury onto her back. “So… what exactly is happening?”

“Sab, meet Tiemryt, the last dragon.” Then she turned to Tiemryt and spoke something harsh and guttural; Sab assumed she was being introduced in draconic.

Tiemryt extended one of its forearms—incidentally, the arm that Sab had almost shorn off—and placed one long talon at the center of the warrior’s forehead. She felt a pulse, then realized that she could now speak the dragon’s language, too.

“Well fought, Sabrith Ebonclaw,” the dragon growled, a touch of admiration in its voice. “Time has tempered my pride, and so I am able to admit that had your intelligent partner not intervened, I would surely be dead.”

Sab scowled. “You did kidnap my wife.”

Another growl, this one approximating a human laugh. “I sought only to borrow your wife. As is tradition, I left her weight in gold, surety she would be returned unharmed.”

“You… what?”

Tay rolled her eyes. “I told you Sab would be confused, Tiemryt. She must have ridden straight out of town in pursuit, oblivious to the message you left.” Tay turned to her wife. “Like she said, Tiemryt unexpectedly borrowed me. I was confused at first, too, but she had a good reason.”

The dragon—a her, Sab now understood—sighed. “As the wise Tayelle mentioned before, I believe I am the last dragon. I have spent decades searching for any of my kindred, in the vain hope that, together, we could stave off the extinction of our species. It has taken me almost as long to admit that I needed help in my efforts. I sought out Tayelle. I believe her powers will help divine whether or not I am truly alone.”

Sab bit back a “you could have asked first,” favoring the far more diplomatic, “Any success?”

Tiemryt turned away, disappearing into the dark shadows of the den.

“We’ve only been at it three days!” Tay called after the retreating dragon, then shook her head. “No. But I promised Tiemryt that we would help, when and where we could.”

Tay began to rifle through the documents on the desk. “She’s collected hundreds of ancient texts, some even older than her. We think this one”—a massive tome that Tay strained to lift—“talks about ‘the first dragon.’ If I could finish translating it, we might better understand where dragons originally came from. But I don’t have any of my reference materials here. If I could take it back with me…”

“Of course you may, my dear Tayelle,” Tiemryt replied, re-emerging from the inky black. “As much as I hold your skills in esteem, I did not expect us to solve this puzzle overnight. For dragons, history moves far more slowly than for you mayflies; I am nothing if not patient.”

She unfurled a large claw, revealing two worn medallions within. “Rumor has it that these tokens were forged eons ago, when man and dragon lived in peace and harmony. I do not understand how they work, but if you wear them and think of this place, you will be instantly transported here.”

The two women scooped up the medallions and hung them from their necks. Tiemryt bobbed her head appreciatively. “You are under no obligation to help. I ask only that, if you do find something in your travels, you return here and inform me.” With a wave of her claw, a magical portal opened at the edge of the room; beyond, the two adventurers could see the town they had been staying in. “Against your wishes, you have humored a dragon. Returning you home expeditiously is the very least I can do.”

Sab nodded an acknowledgment to Tiemryt. But she waited for Tay to make her goodbyes before stepping through the portal herself; no way was she going to be tricked into making that three-day ride again.

SAB HELPED TAY lug the borrowed draconic tome up the steps to their rented suite. Despite the adventurers’ sudden departure from town, the innkeeper had been polite enough to hold their rooms; apparently, some of the gold Tiemryt had left behind and Sab had ignored was scooped up and applied to their tab. What happened to the rest of the gold, no one could say.

They dropped the tome on the table, and Sab wiped imaginary sweat from her brow. “So… are we okay?”

Tay was stretching, then rubbing out a knot on her neck. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Back at the dragon den, you seemed really unhappy with me. I know it was the heat of the moment, but…”

The mage laughed. “Honey, I’m not unhappy with you. I was just a little… disappointed… that you’d barge in and mindlessly set about killing the last living example of such a beautiful species.”

Sab took Tay’s hands in hers, looking down into her wife’s blue-green eyes. “Tiemryt might be the last dragon, but you are the only Tayelle. I was scared and worried, and… maybe you won’t like this, but I would kill a dozen last dragons if it kept you safe.”

Tay slipped into an affected cross attitude with a little humph. “So, would you extinct twelve separate species of dragons, or would you hunt down the last twelve dragons? Because neither of those would make me happy.”

Sab’s earnestness flagged in the face of her wife’s intransigence. “I… uh, I couldn’t… I didn’t… I’m not going to apologize for trying to save you! You can take care of yourself, but that was a dragon! And… and… I’m sorry I barged in and almost messed everything up! Okay?!”

Tay held her piqued expression a moment longer, then broke into a grin. “Oh, alright.” She went in for a hug, only to pull up short, sniffing the air. “Geez, Sab, you stink.”

Now it was Sab’s turn to look miffed. “I rode three days and three nights to get to that dragon lair! I’m starving, and I’m dirty, and I was scared the whole time!”

Tay looked her wife over, her expression unreadable. She had been waited on by a polite dragon the entire time Sab had been riding to find her, worried sick but prepared for battle. Only now did she start to understand what her wife had gone through. “Why don’t… why don’t I go get us food from the kitchen, and you get the first shower?”

Sab set about doing just that. Between her groaning muscles and filthy armor, disrobing took far longer than normal; she was glad Tay wasn’t around to see how gingerly she was moving. Finally, though, it was just her and the hot water… and the medallion Tiemryt had given her, still looped around her neck and hanging into her cleavage. Sab didn’t usually wear jewelry, much less in the bath, but why not? It looked good on her. She could keep wearing the one spoil this little adventure had brought.

She was letting the hot water flow over her shoulders and carry the grime away, when she heard a warning splash from behind, then felt two arms carefully wrap around her torso. She smiled; Tay was always considerate enough to avoid startling her. The floor of the shower was sloped, providing the slightly shorter mage with enough extra height to rest her chin on her wife’s shoulder.

“I thought you were getting food.”

“I was thinking,” Tay said, ignoring the comment, “about what I should do with you.”

“Oh?” Sab smirked, feeling a delicious flush of arousal.

“Weeeeeelllll, my big, strong knight did fight a mighty dragon for me.” Tay’s hands slid across Sab’s abs, soaking in their definition. “And she fought the dragon really well. But…”

Tay trailed off as her hands roamed higher, gently cupping Sab’s breasts. “… my knight also really wanted to kill the dragon, and no one gave her permission to do that!” Fingers gently grazed a nipple, and Sab sucked in a sharp breath. “And then she bragged that she’d depopulate a dozen threatened species, just to prove she loved me!”

“Wait, that’s not at all what—ah!” Sab was interrupted as the gentle graze became a sudden nipple pinch.

Tay clucked disapprovingly. “And you know what’s really bad? Just completely unforgivable?”

“Wha-at?” Sab choked out.

Tay leaned in for a surreptitious whisper, hot breath in Sab’s ear. “I kinda found my wife’s boast hot.”

Her left hand stayed to play with Sab’s breasts, while her right hand began to creep south, back across Sab’s abs, toward her clit. “And you know what’s even hotter?” Tay nibbled on Sab’s ear, eliciting a long moan. “I know you could do it. You’d defeat all sorts of nasties for me. So I thought long and hard about what to do to you, and here’s what I came up with.”

Tay pressed her pelvis up against Sab’s back. Pinned between them, Sab could definitely feel a long, hard something.

“And what’s that?” she asked, as coyly as she could manage.

“It seemed only appropriate that I reward you for your efforts, and simultaneously educate you on the great… beauty… of dragons.”

Sab rolled her ass up against Tay’s shaft, feeling its alien texture and plating slide between her butt cheeks. She had no doubt that this dragon dick was going to be a very, very educational experience.

SAB STOPPED halfway through pulling on a loose shirt, enjoying the pleasant afterglow of their shower workout. She was even more sore now, and sore in new places, but it had been so, so worth it.

“So that dragon dong,” she called back into the bathroom. “Was that something Tiemryt taught you, or a creation of your own devising?”

Tay stuck her head out of the doorframe, all smiles. From her neck swung the dragon’s medallion; apparently, she liked the look, too. “All me, baby! A sprig of willowroot made it self-lubricating. What did ya think?”

When the two of them weren’t spelunking in lost dungeons or being kidnapped by ancient monsters, Tay ran a side gig creating healing potions and medicinal elixirs. Her best sellers were the ones that could be generously classified as “sex aids”—penis enlargement, breast growth, that sort of thing, temporary little buffs that spiced up the bedroom. She often had new ideas that required extensive testing, a process she and Sab both found immensely enjoyable.

“It was intense, in a good way. The ribbing really added to the experience, and the way its overlapping… plates?… moved gave you more control and flexibility than, say, a horse cock. But I have to ask—do you have any sense of what a dragon dick actually looks like, or was that whole thing just plucked from your imagination?”

“Flip to the bookmark in that tome. I’m nothing if not fastidious in my research,” Tay replied, retreating back into the bathroom. And sure enough, it seemed that part of the massive book was a bestiary with lovingly drawn, highly accurate illustrations of a dragon’s… girth. “Oh, wow.”

“I really nailed it, didn’t I?” the mage shouted back.

Sab groaned at the wordplay. “Just for that, I’m not coming back with any food for you!”

On the way down to the inn’s kitchen, she stopped at the bathroom door. “But on a serious note: do you think we’ll be able to help your new dragon friend? I know you two were looking for more dragons, but you did just grow a dragonicus penicus. I’m not suggesting we, like, become dragons or anything, but it seems like that could be relevant?”

“First off, that’s not at all how you conjugate ‘dragon penis,’ nor is that how dragon conjugality works. You’d need… well, you’d need…” Tay trailed off, looking thoughtful. Then her eyes went wide with a sudden realization. “Oh shit. Oh shit.”

“I wasn’t being serious! I wasn’t being serious!” Sab said, laughing nervously at her wife’s reaction. But Tay just shooed her out of the room, clearly needing time to contemplate whatever breakthrough had just occurred to her. All things said, this was normally how Tay worked, so Sab headed on down to get them food.

She was absolutely famished, but the kitchen didn’t seem to be staffed at the moment. She waited for a bit, idly itching her arms. The hot water must have done a number on her skin’s moisture; maybe Tay would have some sort of cream for her to use.

“Ehehe, cream,” she murmured, chuckling. It wasn’t meant to be sexual innuendo, but suddenly she realized how much she really fucking needed Tay’s cock just cumming all over her, spreading that delicious cream across her titties and—

The warrior sucked in a ragged breath, steadying herself. Where did that come from? She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Gosh, she didn’t need Tay’s books to know that dragon cum came from a dragon dick, duh. And what a dick it was! She—

This time, she was pulled back to reality by the sound of the kitchen counter splintering, crushed in her unusually strong grip. Something was wrong; it wasn’t like her to get this uncontrollably horny, especially not so soon after the great dicking her wife had—

Gods dammit! She really needed to get back to Tay and figure out what was happening. This sort of primal, all-consuming sexual need only happened when… well, there were a lot of times in their adventures when this sort of thing happened—at least once a month, really—and they generally involved mis-mixed potions or cursed artifacts. Between Tay’s hyper realistic dragon potion and the medallion resting on her scaly décolletage, something had probably gone wrong.

Sab stumbled up the stairs, surprised as how the inn and shrunk in her three-day absence. Why had the owner lowered the ceilings? She could figure that out later. “Tay,” she panted, ducking into their suite, “I think…”

“I was right!” Tay was celebrating, stark nude in front of the ancient book. “I was right,” she repeated, oblivious to Sab’s predicament. “Come look at this.” The table shifted a little, but Tay ignored it. “I told Tiemryt that I was translating the word right!”

“Tay, I think something’s wrong,” Sab growled, a long tongue slipping between her sharp teeth. There was a tantalizing musk on the air that she could almost taste, a haze that seemed to settle on her brain.

“Nothing’s wrong! I figured it out!” The table shifted again, and Tay sighed with annoyance. She reached down and freed her dick from out under the table, plopping it onto the tome and repurposing it as a page holder. “The first dragons were humans! They used… something… some sort of catalyst?… to transform, but it’s all here! Dragons were made, and if we can figure out how…”

Sab couldn’t take her eyes off her partner’s magnificent dick. Tay was absent-mindedly stroking it, chewing on her lip as she mulled a specific translation. Gods, Sab wished it was her mouth around that cock. But she needed to focus! Something about getting Tay’s help to get… to get…

“Tay, I’m feeling really hot. I don’t know what’s…” She trailed off as she watched Tay’s face shift into complete shock. Her wife had finally looked up.

“Sab. Holy shit. What happened to you? You… now don’t panic, but I think you’re transforming into a dragon.”

“What? No, don’t be absurd, I’m just feeling really hot…”

She stopped, a moment of clarity cutting through the sexual haze. Her dry, scaly skin. Inadvertently crushing things she grasped. How everything had shrunk—or rather, how she had grown.

She looked down at her hands, seeing the leathery claws they had become, their changed texture darkening to a deep red. Even lower, past the thighs that were beginning to strain her now too-tight pants, talons were pushing through the leather of her shoes and leaving deep gouges in the wood floor.

Sabrith started to giggle, the laugh deepening into a low, bestial growl the longer it went. “I am transforming into a dragon.” She looked up her wife. “I think the same is happening to you.”

“Pffft, as if. I just need to finish translating this passage, and we can get you all sorted out.”

“Honey. Those texts you’re trying to translate? At this very moment, you’re massaging pre-cum out of your massive dragon cock onto them.”

“Don’t be absurd, I’d never do anything like that,” she said, doing exactly that. “And anyways, you know how my potions work. This cock will go away once I’ve… cum with it… once… oh. Oh. Oh.” As with Sabrith, realization came upon her suddenly. “We are transforming into dragons.”

In one mighty stride, Sab closed the distance between them. She backhanded the table and the tome away, her newfound strength sending both crashing into the far wall. The scent permeating the room was stronger now, and Sab couldn’t contain the drool dripping through her fangs. “Tay, I think your new dragon friend fucked us,” she rumbled, “but right now, all I can think of is fucking you.”

Tay was clearly affected, both by whatever magic was working on the two of them, and by the sight of her beautiful, partially dragon wife towering over her. She didn’t resist as Sab gently pushed her down into a chair. “I… I think it’s pretty clear that the medallions might be the catalyst that oh oh gods fuck me that’s good don’t stop don’t stop.”

Sab smiled. “Don’t stop this?” she said, dragging her long, rough tongue back along Tay’s cock, twisting and curling to ensure she left the entire shaft soaked in her saliva. “But if I don’t stop that, I won’t be able to do this.” She came in, as if for another lick, but then began to suckle on different parts of the cock, using her sharp teeth to gently nibble.

Tay leaned back, overwhelmed with pleasure. She balled her feet, and felt her own talons dig deep into the floor. She kept her feet—claws now, really—sunk into the wood, using the purchase to brace her body against Sab’s ministrations.

Sab was now slipping the whole cock into her mouth, and for a moment, Tay was concerned that it wouldn’t fit. But as the transformation progressed, Sab’s new muzzle easily enveloped the dick. A pair of horns followed, and Tay couldn’t pass up the opportunity to grab ahold of them.

Sab’s efforts intensified, and Tay felt herself losing control. Her hips started to rock back and forth, faster and faster, until she was wildly fucking her wife’s mouth, the knuckles of her clenched hands turning white as they held onto Sab’s horns.

“Oh gods oh gods yeah fuck your mouth fuck fuck fuck your tongue I’m going I’m going I’m cccuuuuuummmmming—”

Tay screamed, a monstrous bellow that shook the glass in the windowpanes. Her growing tail flailed about, its weight slamming into the chair beneath the mage and smashing it to kindling. She toppled backwards, her still exploding cock pulling free of Sab’s mouth and spraying cum over both of them.

Tay opened her dazed eyes to see her wife, now a perfect blend of dragon and human characteristics, crawling up over her. With a final flex, the remnants of Tay’s shirt snapped off, and the dragon woman growled in contentment. She leaned over, letting a freed, pendulous breast hang over her partner’s face, teasing Tay’s lips with a nipple. “I’ve been doing a lot of the sucking. Maybe you can help out.”

Tay happily complied, loving the feel of Sab’s new skin on her tongue. She nibbled down on the nipple, then bit slightly harder, probing her partner’s limits. Sab merely sighed with pleasure, her reptile hide more impervious to pain than her old flesh.

After a moment, Sab leaned away, taking in the full sight of her wife pinned beneath her. Their eyes locked—reptilian now, but still glistening with a mixture of love and lust for each other. “I think your scales are coming in beautifully,” Sab purred, and Tay looked down to see her skin darkening to a beautiful pearl, even as her abs and breasts shifted to a complementary pink.

“We’re going to make a very colorful pair,” Tay smiled.

“Tay, my love, we’ve always been a colorful pair, just generally not so… literally.”

“Well, don’t look now, but I think you’re starting to get your dick.”

Sab rubbed her growing tiny nub of a cock along Tay’s monster shaft, then continued to slide forward, teasing the cock with her soaking pussy. “Oh don’t worry. We’ll get to my dick eventually, once it’s filled out some more. But for now, we’ve got this—”

On cue, Sab’s tail slipped between them and began toying with Tay’s pussy.

“—and a ton of unanswered questions. For instance: what’s it like when you come with your cock and your pussy at the same time?”

EVEN THOUGH they hadn’t fucked on the bed, they had still managed to break it. Splayed out on the ground, Tay had grabbed ahold of the footboard as Sabrith rode her; one of the half dozen times she came, she had ripped it free from the frame and sent it flying across the room.

In fact, most everything in the room was broken. The two lay on the deeply scarred floor, surrounded by torn fabric and wooden splinters. The bookshelves on the far wall had collapsed, and somehow Sab had a thick ream of mathematical treatises impaled on one of her talons. The room stank of wild sex, and virtually every surface was coated in cum. It would take a professional cleaning crew days to make right. Maybe the innkeeper would use more of the pilfered gold to pay for it.

Both dragon women were gasping for breath, taking this temporary respite from their lust to try and sort out how they should handle this situation.

“I still… haven’t… eaten,” Sab bemoaned.

“You’ve eaten… me… plenty,” Tay joked, running the risk of her innuendo starting another destructive cycle of sex. Already, both of their cocks were growing turgid.

“We need… to get back… to Tiemryt. She has to be… responsible.”

“Easier said than done,” the mage lamented, her dick now at half mast. “These bodies are easily distracted.”

Sure enough, Tay’s returning arousal was a distraction. But she pushed through, pulling herself to her feet and clasping the medallion around her throat. Her larger body had turned the chain into less of a necklace and more of a choker, but she was still able to slip a claw around it and mutter a few words of direction. A slight wind picked up within the room, blowing the loose papers and cloth around, and then a portal appeared.

“Well, let’s get this over with,” Sab said, jumping through. Tay shrugged and followed suit.

They emerged at their intended destination, but the dragon den was… not as they had left it. It was dark, but their newly heightened senses could discern that it smelled exactly like their bedroom had, and its contents were in a similar state of disarray.

Something moved in the murk, followed by a low moan. “Tiemryt, are you home?” Tay queried, worry filling her voice. She waved a hand and lit the candles spread throughout the den.

The light revealed a figure slouched against the wall, and it took a moment for Sab and Tay to realize that they were looking at Tiemryt. Her skin was still onyx and her eyes gold, but the same magic that had transformed Sab and Tay had worked on the dragon, only in reverse. She had taken on human characteristics, her body morphing into that of a dragon girl with exaggerated curves, all flared hips and huge tits. Even her head had been graced with a swath of very pretty, very human hair. She was still larger than a regular human, but she was far, far smaller than the full dragon she had been earlier that day. In fact, Sab and Tay now stood a full head taller than her.

Not helping her size was her terrible hunched posture. The dragon girl was almost doubled over, her hands furiously kneading her breasts. Her tail pistoned in and out of her pussy, cum dripping down its length and pooling on the floor, mixing with the drool escaping her half-open mouth. She looked up at them, desperation in her eyes. She took a step, stumbled, then fell, landing on her knees before the two larger dragon women. Throughout it all, she never stopped fucking herself, the squelching noises reverberating through the room. One of her hands joined in, vigorously rubbing her clit in time with her tail’s movements.

Pleeeeaaase,” Tiemryt mewled. “Please, help me.”

The arousal Sab and Tay had barely kept in check returned in full force. But the sight of this mewling dragon girl prostrating herself before them awakened other, darker feelings in the pair, and their thoughts twisted into something powerful and predatory. They looked at each other in silent agreement, their new hunger unmistakeable.

Tay’s concerned expression cooled. “Well, we’re not going to get any help from… this.”

Sab had just spent half a day mindlessly fucking her wife, and the self-control she possessed right now was fleeting at best. But she wasn’t the one debasing herself, fucking her own sopping wet cunt with her tail. “How pathetic,” she mocked, perhaps a little meaner than she meant.

“I told you, honey,” her wife rejoined. “I was never in any real danger. Lurking under that scary appearance was a horny little monster.”

“I didn’t… oh gods… I didn’t realize that any of this was… aarrrrrrhhhh… going to happen. Please, you have to believe me. I swear I didn’t, I didn’t want…” Tiemryt panted.

“Didn’t want to what? Fuck my wife?” Sabrith knelt over the dragon, standing a hair’s breadth from actually touching her needy flesh. “I heard the way you rained compliments on her. The intelligent Tayelle. The wise Tayelle. My dear Tayelle. Were all the octogenarian mages busy, or did you just have to kidnap the sexiest mage you could find?”

“The medallions… they’re changing us. We need… we need…”

“I’m flattered you think that, Sab,” Tay continued, ignoring Tiemryt’s pleas. “But I think it’s just as likely she wanted to fuck you.” She circled around behind the dragon. “She probably arranged all of this because she wanted to have her ass kicked by a big, strong warrior.”

“Please,” Tiemryt begged. “Please…”

“So which is it?” Sab leaned in, oh so close to the dragon’s girls neck and shoulder. “Did you want to fuck my wife?”

“Or,” said Tay, closing in from behind, whispering in Tiemryt’s other ear. “Did you want to get fucked by my wife?”

“Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck fuck fuck. Both. Both of you. Please, fuck me. Please.”

Sab and Tay looked at each other in faux surprise. “Well, it seems like we should reward that kind of honestly.”

In truth, neither of them could maintain their own self-control much longer. They positively pounced on the dragon girl, enveloping her from both sides. Sab went in for a sloppy, drool-filled kiss, while Tay took hands to Tiemryt’s breasts and thighs.

“More,” she moaned. “More. I need your cocks. I need—what, what are you doing?”

Sab and Tay stood, lifting Tiemryt between them, trapping her between their breasts and dicks. They took a moment to kiss, their heads easily clearing the shorter dragon girl’s height.

“The real question, Sab, is how we want to fuck her.”

“Well, a cock in her mouth would definitely shut her up,” the warrior replied, slipping a hand between Tiemryt’s legs.

Tay took this opportunity to pull Tiemryt’s tail up to her lips, licking the cum off. “With how perverted she is, I bet her ass is lubed up, too.”

No,” Tiemryt replied forcefully, jumping up on Sab and wrapping her legs around the larger woman’s waist. She her head, fixing Tay with an unexpectedly lucid look. “Both of you are going to take out your gods damned cocks, and you’re going to shove them into my pussy right this fucking instant.” To drive home the point, she shifted her hips and brought her pussy up against Sab’s dick; it slipped in effortlessly, and Sab gasped.

Tiemryt maintained eye contact with Tay, a remarkable power move for someone who had been groveling a moment before. “Now are you just going to stand there and watch me fuck your wife, or are you going to get in on this, too?”

Fine, have it your way,” Tay said, only a little miffed that their submissive partner had regained a modicum of control. “I guess we can fuck—”

It was the last coherent statement, or even thought, that any of them had for a while.

Neither Sab nor Tay nor Tiemryt were prepared for how amazing two dragon cocks inside a dragon pussy felt; the heat and pressure of the experience were intoxicating. Tiemryt took the worst of it, ragdolling back and forth between the thrusts of her two partners. But the other two weren’t much better off, so lost in pleasure that they couldn’t even muster the self-control to use their tails as toys. Tiemryt’s pussy maintained a vice-like grip on the cocks, milking them for every drop of their cum. It was hours before Sab or Tay were flaccid enough to pull out.

Despite the intense physical exertion, Tiemryt seemed almost energized by the experience. “Oh gods, it’s working!” She smiled down at her stomach, rubbing it. “I don’t know how, but I just know that you two are going to give me the greatest egg.”

Sab sat up, ramrod straight. “Egg?”

Tiemryt nodded. “It is a good thing you two didn’t come inside of… each… other…” She trailed off as Sab began to clutch at her pelvis, gasping in newfound pleasure. Something inside of her was building and pushing outward. A long, rolling orgasm followed, and Sab clutched at the floor, twitching and moaning. A few moments later, and she pushed out a large egg of her own.

Tay looked on, in surprise. “That looked… enjoyable?”

Sab caught her breath and smiled back. “Oh, don’t worry, Tay. I think the same’s about to happen to you.”

THEY WERE RESTING against Tiemryt’s side, all of them roughly back to normal. The large dragon, returned to her fully draconic form, had curled up around her three eggs—one a deep wine red, another a rich pearl white, the last a dark onyx, each matching the hide of its mother. In all of the commotion, an old tapestry had been ripped off the wall; the two smaller women had crawled under it, repurposing it into the world’s oldest, most expensive blanket. Beside them lay their medallions, their magic currently inert.

“So I was thinking,” Sab began.

“Hmmm?” Tay murmured, curling up tighter against her wife.

“Mammals have breasts to produce milk for their young, right? That’s literally where the term ‘mammal’ comes from. But dragons aren’t mammals, are they? And we are graphically aware of how they reproduce via eggs. So why did all three of us have titties? I mean, I get that we might keep some of our secondary sexual characteristics when we became dragons, but why did Tiemryt grow them knockers?”

“Wait,” the mage sat up. “Are you asking me a biology question right now? Like right now? Like, we just rawed a dragon, and this is your pillow talk? ‘Secondary sexual characteristics’? Where did you even learn that concept?”

“Hey!” Sab objected, playfully offended. “I do listen to what you say, even your scientific ramblings. I’m not all swords and armor and stuff. I’ve got depths.”

“Well, there’s actually a lot of scholarly literature on this, Sab,” Tay replied, her tone making it clear the warrior had blundered into a very fraught academic discussion. “First off, maybe dragons are mammals. Laying eggs doesn’t preclude them from also having mammary glands. But more to the point: if you’ve noticed, most monsters in this world have secondary sexual characteristics that are decidedly pronounced and female-coded. Like last winter, during your drider phase? Spider on the bottom, all titties up top. And that lamia cult we, uh, joined in the summer? Boobs and abs right down to the hairless puss-puss, then ten yards of snek time.”

“God, we did make pretty hot snake girls,” Sab reminisced.

“So the prevailing scientific consensus is that creatures in our world select for sexual characteristics that attract the maximum number of human and humanoid mates, not for traits that would make for better parenting or child-rearing, or even increase the odds of a successful birth. Crazy, huh?”

Sab thought really hard, parsing what her wife had said. “Okay. That would make sense, except it would imply that humans are—”

“I’m a pervert,” Tiemryt interrupted, sleepily smacking her lips.

Both Sab and Tay swiveled their heads to look up at their dragon friend.

“What?” she rumbled, defensively. “It’s not like I was raised in a nice, stable dragon family, and attended dragon school, where I met a hunky dragon guy and we got married and laid lots of dragon eggs. I have known precisely zero other dragons in my life, and so my, uh, sexual awakening was focused on, um, more… fragile… species?” Tiemryt’s voice rose to a strangled squeak.

“Like feline humanoid women with a penchant for quasi-tribal tattoos?”

“That’s exactly my type,” the dragon whispered. “And brains! Brains, too,” she immediately added, a little too loudly. “So when the magic started to change me, I… wanted to look like you two.”

“Girl, we need to get you laid more often,” Tay said, suddenly very serious.

Somehow, Tiemryt’s black hide blushed. “I don’t, um, what?”

“No, I mean we actually, truly need to get you to have more sexual partners. All this science talk got me thinking. We can’t count on finding more dragons for you to copulate with. And even we did, there’s still the issue of inbreeding.” She motioned to the three eggs. “Three mothers a viable gene pool does not make, especially when those three mothers impregnated each other. You’re going to need to lay more eggs with more partners. But more than that, you need to get these dragon medallions out there, too. You need more, different dragons pairing off. It’s going to be a lot of work. You’re going to need to fuck a lot of humans, and you’re going to need to supervise them fucking each other.”

Sab thought Tay was being facetious. “Honey, that’s… hmmmm. Are you certain—”

Tay glared back at her wife, absolutely earnest. “We signed up to save this species! Did you think it was going to be easy?” She stood up, impassioned by the project taking form. “Biodiversity is an intrinsic good! Preserving an apex predator like dragons from extinction is important! It might be the most important quest we’ve ever been on! We have to do this!”

“Oh dear,” the dragon said, trying to act like this wasn’t every one of her fantasies brought to life. “And I… I have to do this?”


“Well then, it’s a good thing I have these.” A long talon reached out and tipped over a chest against the wall, and out of it spilled dozens, maybe hundreds of medallions, each similar to the ones Sab and Tay had worn.

Tay just smiled. “Oh good. This will make things a lot easier. And it means we can keep our medallions!”

And despite everything—despite the kidnapping that brought them together, despite the unexpected and wild transformations, despite even the worrying implication that they were about to be complicit in the return of unchecked hosts of dragons to the world—Sab was happy. Holding onto the medallions could be useful, even fun. And the dragon sex has been really, really hot.

In fact…

“So we can keep these?” Sab said, making an ostentatious display of picking one up. “We can just… slip… them… on… whenever we want? Whoops, how clumsy of me. What ever is going to happen now?”

A special thank you to Sabrith for commissioning this story, and to Jill for providing the amazing artwork! For your travel needs, here is a PDF in Times, and a PDF in Courier.
