Getting Help

Prompt: “Don’t worry—it’s going to be exactly what you need.”

guest story by Zyzzyza
tags: apotheosis, flash fiction


“You sure about this?” asked Claire, the vessel.

“Yes,” said Joanie. “Stop fucking asking me that.”

“Sorry,” said Claire, holding her hands up. “But I mean this is a huge and kinda irrevocable
decision. It’s not just like joining a cult or something.”

“It is joining a cult,” said Joanie.

“Well, fine. But it’s also giving your body and mind to the goddess and… that stuff doesn’t wear off, you know. I need to be sure, that you’re sure, and doing this for the right reasons.”

“You know what doesn’t wear off?” asked Joanie. “Depression doesn’t. It’s always fucking there, dragging. I am tired all the time, and I’m tired of being tired all the time, and I’m tired of failing shit and losing shit because I have to work hard just to keep my head above water, and it’s not humanly possible to do that every day in a row forever for my whole life. I can’t do this myself anymore.”

“So you’re giving up,” said Claire flatly.

“No,” said Joanie. “I am getting help.”

“The goddess can help you. The goddess—” Claire paused, then nodded “—the goddess will help you. She will use you, too. She’s going to consume your will and fill you with her own. But” and she smiled “don’t worry. I promise it’s going to be exactly what you need.”

“Good,” said Joanie.

Then Claire’s flesh burned to ash and the glorious beautiful terrible thing of copper and silk and gleaming light inside her reached out to Joanie and spoke.

It was everything Joanie had wanted.


The next flash fiction is a prompt from BZArcher. But before I had a chance to write it, my writing buddy Zyzzva announced that he had been moved to write a flash fic on the prompt!!! It earned BZ’s blessing, and so here it is, for the rest of you to read!
