Out Of Their Depth

Summoning powerful entities is best left to those who know what they are doing.

guest story by zyzzyva
tags: flash fiction, nsfw


Ishtahar whimpered and tried as hard as she could to keep her fingers playing over her clit. It was so difficult, but she had to keep trying. It was the only way she could save herself, and the others. She and her friends had thought they knew what they were getting into, a little bit of rebellious messing around with magic, playing at summoning something dark and depraved from that old tome they’d found, to secretly tweak the noses of their elders. That was all it would be, they’d thought.

But they’d had no idea. They hadn’t been even slightly prepared for what actually happened. And now they were doomed. Belili was lost already, her hands demurely folded in front of herself, her tail not encircling or stroking or plunging into anything. And Merihem—she was ripping up a curtain and wrapping it around herself(!) covering up her delicious tits and soft red curves(!). The sight was so, so wrong, and yet so right. Ishtahar lost it. Her hand slipped out of her pussy and fell to her side. Her body wasn’t being stimulated in any way and she didn’t care. It made her pulse calm down just to think about.

“Now,” said Sister Elizabeth, primly, from within the summoning circle. “Let’s see about bringing some of your friends back to be shown the path of virtue, too.”

“Yes, sister,” chorused the young succubi. They would spread the twisted, seductive ways of chastity to all their kind. And they would love it.



Author’s Note: This one, obviously, is basically a joke. It was pretty easy to write, actually, not least since I got to let my cliche flag fly and claim it was in the service of satire. :wink:

Eventually I want to write my other nun-subversion story idea, wherelike in real Early Modern Europeall the nuns are irreligious, bored, and so very very horny, because they’re all third and fourth daughters shipped off to get them out of their families’ ways. If you want to avoid cliche rather than playing into it for laughs, history is always the weirdest and most imaginative source.
