Infernal Dispatches #17: All Hallows’ Eve

My friends, it has been almost three months since I posted an update. While I’ve been very quiet on this blog, I want you to know that I have been writing: according to my notes, I’ve written at least 10,000 words and completed two stories over the past ten weeks. I plan to post them here are soon as @jilldoesprompts has finished the accompanying art!

But that’s not really what I want to post about today.

Halloween isn’t the real birthday of the nom de plume Devi Lacroix. Looking at my email, it seems that I came up with the name in August, 2017, and published my first story “as” Devi Lacroix on August 5th.

With that said, Halloween is really important to me, because it was around this time last year that I started to to really put together what I wanted to do, and what kinds of stories I wanted to write.

You see, last year @saltyteafutas started a daily Halloween writing challenge. Pids didn’t write for the whole month, but I found the project really inspirational. “Next year,” I told myself, “next year, I want to have a writing challenge in the month of October, just like Pids. And to get there, I need to get into writing shape—I need to start getting better at writing, and faster at writing, and I need to foster followers who will engage with the types of stories I like to write.”

I wasn’t completely successful. I didn’t end up having a writing challenge. That’s okay. I didn’t get to the place necessary to make that happen; it’s been a difficult year, personally and professionally, and my creative writing has often had to take a backseat to real-world needs.

But on the other hand, I’ve written 40,000 words across eight stories this year. That’s a far cry from where I want to be… but it’s also a far cry from where I was.

So I wanted to take this moment, on Halloween, to thank Pids for being so inspirational to my writing. I also want to thank @jilldoesprompts, my partner-in-crime, whose art continues to astound me, as well as @lana-the-salty-banana and Zyzzyva, who are both excellent writers that have supported me behind the scenes.

And to the rest of you—Happy Halloween, and here’s to more excellent stories in the near future!
